The recent January weather event, alongside an increasing variety of partners that we aim to support in 2024 has highlighted our need to grow as an organisation, expand our capabilities and our ability to reach people. The geography in the Scottish Highlands is vast and unique, so to ensure that we can continue to provide an efficient, valuable service to our communities, WE NEED YOUR HELP!
We are actively recruiting for Volunteer Responders throughout the Highlands and have a particular need for members in the following areas: Caithness, Badenoch and Strathspey, Skye and Gairloch.
If you have a 4x4 or AWD vehicle and are interested in helping your community at times when they need you most then please consider joining us and adding your name to our recruitment list. You can learn more about what is required as a responder by clicking here.
If you don't own a 4x4 or AWD vehicle and would like to help us then we welcome volunteers for controller roles. Being part of our controller team is an important job utilising our Computer Assisted Dispatch system to ensure the welfare of our responders whilst on taskings and ensuring that callout requests are managed and tasked in a timely and efficient manner. All the training for this role is provided and you do not need prior experience or in depth technical knowledge of computers!
For more information don’t hesitate to contact us by using the form HERE alternatively;
email: membership@highland4x4response.com or by facebook messenger using the link below.
The recent January weather event, alongside an increasing variety of partners that we aim to support in 2024 has highlighted our need to grow as an organisation, expand our capabilities and our ability to reach people. The geography in the Scottish Highlands is vast and unique, so to ensure that we can continue to provide an efficient, valuable service to our communities, WE NEED YOUR HELP!
We are actively recruiting for Volunteer Responders throughout the Highlands and have a particular need for members in the following areas: Caithness, Badenoch and Strathspey, Skye and Gairloch.
If you have a 4x4 or AWD vehicle and are interested in helping your community at times when they need you most then please consider joining us and adding your name to our recruitment list. You can learn more about what is required as a responder by clicking here.
If you don't own a 4x4 or AWD vehicle and would like to help us then we welcome volunteers for controller roles. Being part of our controller team is an important job utilising our Computer Assisted Dispatch system to ensure the welfare of our responders whilst on taskings and ensuring that callout requests are managed and tasked in a timely and efficient manner. All the training for this role is provided and you do not need prior experience or in depth technical knowledge of computers!
For more information don’t hesitate to contact us by using the form HERE alternatively;
email: membership@highland4x4response.com or by facebook messenger using the link below.